Доставка цветов
в Жердевке

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

Credit cards:

Entering the card data takes place on secure bank servers via https protocol what guarantees the safety of your bank data details.

In the process of payment you will have to enter the following data card details:

  • card number;
  • card expiry date;
  • first and last name exactly as it is written on the card;
  • CSV / CVS code is the last three digits which are on the back of the card.

Also Russian acquiring banks require to enter the SMS password which comes to the phone number referred in the bank when the account for the card was being opened. If you cannot complete the payment without this password, you can pay via Paypal.

Payment via PayPal:

Payment via PayPal is automatic after making the order. If you are having any difficulties with an automatic payment on the PayPal website, you can make the transfer manually to our business account PayPal: paypal@flowers-sib.ru. The money is entered into our account within five minutes.